Originally Posted by pandusetiawan
How is the Forum Special Access item works?I want to hide some sub forum from reg member, but they can buy the access to that hidden forum using the point. Can I use this mod for that purpose?How do I set it up?
Members can 'buy' thier way into a forum as one of the market items. It is up to you if you have it completely hidden or the forum viewable but not the threads themselves. They can gain access by purchasing a password, changing their user group or just forum access. You can also do that without purchases by creating a user group for said private forum and manually adding a user to that group.
Originally Posted by jwood01
What about adding a feature to turn off the Steal and Lottery Features. Would not really work for what we are intending.
If you go to the point market in the ACP the Forum Items you can disable the steal and the gambling access via the edit option. On that note, will there be a check box to enable/disable some of the market items in the ACP instead of having to go through the edit option?