Originally Posted by ravencr
This is an awesome mod! Way to go! I have a couple of questions:
1) How do I adjust the width of it? Is it possible to fixed width or fluid width? If so, how do I adjust it accordingly?
2) I would love to have one on each side...is this possible? An option? If so, how do we install it to make it available both on the left and right sides?
Thanks again,
not sure but check this
form admincp
open forumhome.css in the style you want to change or use the master style to effect all styles and look for sidebar width
Originally Posted by abdicar
where is the change log of the new version?
Originally Posted by gobears94
Hi almannai,
This is such an awesome mod. Thank you!
I made sure to search the comments first for an answer to my issue but can't find it. Right now, the mod displays properly on all the pages. The issue I'm having is displaying a block only on certain forums. I'm trying to display a Latest Threads block (block_newthreads_12) for a specific forum so I put in "block_newthreads_12:1" without quotes into the "Filter blocks by forums" field. However, that block still shows up on all the forums.
Mod version: 1.3.4
VB version: 4.0.5
Forum url: http://www.theschoolboards.com/forum.php
Also, is there a way to show a block for a forum and its child forums rather than have to specify the id of each of the child forums along with the parent forum? If you look at my site, if I want to show a block for the parent "Homeroom - SF Bay Area" and all its child forums, is there a easier way to go about it?
Thanks again!
you didn't searched very well

try to place this in page filter
let me know how it goes
Originally Posted by torontojungle
Screenshot here.
Thanks again!
Originally Posted by torontojungle
For the record, my issue is to also remove sidebar from our mobile style, and this also did not help.
I have to look at this again and see what may go wrong