Originally Posted by Midoxp
very nice site sir. i would recommend downloading the file above your post it has no right tabs. since your site is a fixed width. just downloaded and rename it slider.php edit line 20 for the forumid you want to pull the information from. then you will have to uploaded to ./clientscript/slider/
hope this helps you out.
Originally Posted by LbR
First of all thanks a lot to you for bringing up such a nice widget DS.
I would like to ask few questions.
I have downloaded and uploaded the file from the first post slider.zip and your module to. Is it necessary to keep silder.zip files? I am not sure because when i edited both files both had same configs.
Your widget is operating brilliantly in my forum but i feel that slide has some of problems text not appearing can you check here www.emonx.com
thanks sir but is not really my widget. all i did was edited to suite my needs and posted it. are you looking for more text output?
try editing lines 21 - 23 to suite your own needs.