Thanks Lynne,
Before reading your post I made a bug report
I found your solution suggested here:
and the bug tracker here
However, it did not work for me. I tried the suggested code changes, flushed the CMS cache several times, even re-started Apache.
I also tried other more drastic code changes in execphp.php like:
PHP Code:
if (!isset($config['cache_ttl']) )
$config['cache_ttl'] = 0;
PHP Code:
if ($config['cache_ttl'] > 999999)......
But it seems that whatever I do, the php direct content was still cached. Maybe pending some site specific setting?
Also this does not work for me:
ACP => Options => Add No-Cache HTTP Headers => Help Cookies and HTTP Header Options = yes
This works perfectly but of course degrades the site performance:
ACP => Options => Server Settings and Optimization Options =>Disable Content Caching
I tested mostly with this one-line php direct evaluation code
PHP Code:
$output=vB::$vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('r', 'mystring', TYPE_STR);
And calling the page with a browser call like <url>&mystring=xxxxxx
So any ideas on what I can do?