Originally Posted by MyCTaK
Hello, my vbstopforumspam have stop blocking spam registrations (Unverfied but allowed by policy) and i have seen from stopforumspam.com that you plugin is still supported. I decided to try it.
First of all I wanted to test to report spammer. I go to admincp - user profile and checked:
Remove user
Remove All Posts
Submit to StopForumSpam.com
Then I've got this error:
As you can see there is syntax error. Now I've got this error everytime I try to post something new. How to deal with that?
In spite of the error the post is completed.
After I install your plugin I've got 2 logs with "Unverfied but allowed by policy" but after this it seems to start working because I've got:
I will be happy if in log there are all registration attempts. I will see.
Originally Posted by VIPER-MAN
Unfortunately, after installing the latest version (and upgrading to vb4.07) this breaks the user editing function after you ban a user and ask to include their posts to be deleted. If I try to edit any user via the control panel, I get a DB error. If I try to send a PW confirmation reminder, same thing ... database error. I disable the product and everything works normally.
Database error in vBulletin 4.0.7:
Invalid SQL:
DELETE FROM tfltm_post WHERE userid=4388);;
The userid is the banned user and his posts. Now, on any user editing function, this error is generated.
Originally Posted by raymondblog
Using v1.2.7 with vb4.0.7.
Maintenance > Update Counters > Update User Titles and Ranks
Generates the error below.
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at [path]/includes/adminfunctions.php:285) in [path]/includes/functions_ghsom.php on line 378
I am putting up a version (hopefully the last one!) for the 1.x series.
1.2.8 should fix these problems for you guys and gals. I will have it up in about 2 minutes so by the time you are done reading this, it should be ready for you.
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