Unfortunately, I am no longer using this mod. I was having an issue with the formatting and posted a message in the vision scripts forum. I waited over 24/hrs for a response and nothing. Typically I'd give a developer more time but after reading the issues the developer has with everyone here as well as those over there regarding the lack of support, I decided that I should request a refund through paypal.
The Dev actually refunded my money with no questions asked; this is a bit disheartning... I would have preferred it if he might have said, "let's try to fix this." Now if you're reading this, Psionic Vision... I'd like you to know that I think this product could have been a winner but you advertise the product with 3 months of support but from reading your forum and this forum, it would seem as if you never actually intend to fullfill the support portion of the contract. I'm not sure what country you're from but in the US that's called Bait and switch and it's illegal.
That said, Buyer Beware. It's clear to me that the person selling the extended version of this modification does not intend to support it. I've been a member here for 9 years or so and have never had an issue with anyone until now.