Originally Posted by FF|Skyrider
In the blue theme, it seems the second "new thread" is showing half. The Thread Display Options is overwriting it.
Hi mate..
This is not a problem with the style.. but a known vBulletin 4x bug.. if you check the style again with another browser or even just later or you will see the button working fine, i reported this issue in 4.0.2.. the problem went away for a while.. but has come back again in the last 2 versions.. even the default style does this at times... vb.com can't even work out what the problem is

It's a well documented issue.. search vb.com you will see others are seeing the same problem even with the default vb4 style.. it comes and goes when it wants lol... wish i could be more helpful, but ive reported this issue a few times now as too have many others... and still it has not been addressed.. most likely because no one seems to know what is causing this.