Just wanted to say this MOD is working fine, on v3.8.6PL1

The IMPORT PRODUCT (w/ALLOW OVERWRITE selected) found my old, existing installation of
MySmilies VB (
Mod Version: 1.00, by
Kentaurus) and automatically adjusted things for it.
However at first, I could not see ANY
My Smilies Menu on the UserCP page?!
The problem was, 'I' didn't READ far enough down into the Installation Instructions.txt file...
Step 4. Permissions setup
1. Open http://YOUR_FORUMS_URL/admincp/index.php?do=buildbitfields
2. In your admin control panel go to Usergroups => Usergroup Manager
3. Edit the Usergroups that you want to use smilies, by changing the "Can use custom smilies? (MySmilies VB)" to "Yes".
NOTE: From MySmiles VB v3.7.005 and above, Usergroups do NOT have permissions as default, and they will need to be set again.
Notice it says "
Usergroups do NOT have permissions as default"...something I completely overlooked.

So just guess what (doesn't) happen, when you don't go and set up the Usergroups Pemissions for this MOD like you're
supposed to?
Answer: "Nothing!" ha, ha
Thanxx SecondV, SWEET MOD!