Originally Posted by Loco.M
The "New Thread" issue is a known vb bug... check again in another browser or even tomorrow and it will be working fine lol... no one has been able to work out why this is happening.. i reported this issue back in 4.0.2+ the problem then went away.. and the started doing it again in the most recent releases.. even the default vb4 style is doing this.. i can assure you this is not a issue with just my style. (I just checked the link you provided above... the button is showing fine lol)
As for not looking exactly like XENFORO... i don't mind, i am not impressed with the default XENFORO style either.. i just wanted to make something clean and usable for more professional type sites / niches.
Good Work looks great as do your others
Thanks for your feedback

good to hear people like my work.