i spent so much time and can't find the last piece of puzzle
i am writing a plugin which enables on bbcode_parse_start. i'm hiding specific bbtags based on the user permissions, but that doesn't matter
now: for that i need to access user id variable, so i can look for the privileges (privileges of the user who wrote the post, not the viewer). but those
vary in every place of the vbulletin. cms, blog, forums, pm, . . . is is a complete mess
for forum posts it's $post['userid'], sometimes it's $postinfo['userid'], inside pms it's $pm['fromuserid'], inside blogposts it's inside $this->parse_userinfo['userid'] (talk about consistency..)
but the
only thing that i haven't been able to find is: the
cms article comments, i looked into specifications, searched the hell out of google nothing
how do i access user id inside the cms article comments?