I did get the permissions set and do have it working.. Again I am using VB 4.07 and I have it showing on the Forum Page at the Top of the page. However, I want to add the chatbox to other pages in the forum and also in the HOME CMS.. Mainly at the bottom.. I tried the custom settings given and it put the box in a funny place and dont look right..
I know I have to add the code{vb:raw mgc_cb_evo_var} to some template somewhere. I try adding the code but nothing is showing up. I also enabled it in the settings for custom variable..
What else needs to be filled in in the settings? what do i put in the boxes for global Var and Template?
I am using Blackstream template v2.. VB Suite 4.07..
I do have it working though and just edited the css and its a great mod.. But i want to be able to feature it at the bottom of my Forums threads..
any help at all would be great?
Also as for the usergroup permissions. I dont know French at all.. I know this program was written prob from a french guy.. Thanks for the tip.. They should update the readme directions for english to help ppl out who arent VB whizzes like myself.