Originally Posted by lostgirl815
I don't care whether you buy it or not, but it's pretty vicious to make nebulous comments like "the way some people are treated and spoken to." What people, and by whom? "Some" people lets you slander an entire community without ever having to back up your statement with facts, or be specific. It makes you no better than these vague nameless people you're complaining about.
I think bringing up specific usernames here when those people might not even be members here to defend themselves is in worse taste. As someone who visits both forums I understand his statements and for the most part agree with it... it's not 1 or 2 people but the mindset of a large portion of the XF community that have drank the XF kool-aide.
Also... for a young forum only product their initial (non 1 day special) pricing seems VERY over-priced to me... Maybe in a year or two they could charge that but with the lack of features they plan on launching with I was expecting a price close to half of what was announced.