Hey I found this about experts-exchange.com, a site that appears to cloak content from Google but in fact it really doesn't:
There's a lot to read but basically it says Exoerts-Exchange puts up a message that makes it looks like you need to be a member to see the answers (posts) but in fact if you scroll down to the bottom of the page the answers are there. So maybe this mod could be adjusted so guests see a message saying they need to register to see posts but in fact still display posts well below that message as most people don't bother looking past such a message but this is still within Google's terms of service.
Also another thing experts-exchange does is only show these answers (posts) if you followed a link from google... if you follow a link (get referred) by any other site the answers (posts) don't display at all...
So if this mod could be changed to:
1) Show all posts if the referring site is Google...
2) Add a large obnoxious "You must register to see posts" message above all the additional posts to 'trick' people into registering...
I'm still not sure I agree with the theory behind tricking people into register to see content but at least you wouldn't be de-listed from Google.