Originally Posted by BadgerDog
Thanks ..
If I leave it blank so that ALL forums have the link option, but restrict the usergroup to Admin ONLY, then Admin status usergroups only will be able to see that option... correct?
That's right, only selected usergroups are allowed to point new threads to external links. All the others continue to submit new threads the usual way.
Originally Posted by BadgerDog
I notice that when I redirect a thread with the mod, that it now appears as a forum thread with a sticky indicator on it, but it's not actually a stick thread (no separator). Is that the way it's designed?
I wanted to highlight the custom threads somehow by adding some sort of an icon next to their titles. I used the same one as for sticky threads but you can always customize that further in the template directly. Redirected threads aren't moved to the top like the sticky ones, (unless you also mark them as sticky) so no need for additional separators.
Originally Posted by BadgerDog
By the way, I use this custom mod to separate stickies from normal threads, although I'm not sure it makes any difference to my last question, I thought I'd mention it.
I use this one because it doesn't generate any in-line errors like Atakan KOC's mod mentioned earlier.
That's a nice mod suggestion, I tried it and apparently it works fine with my mod with no extra fixes required.