Greetings fellow VB'ers.
I used a SQL database previously on VB3, and have just updated to 4 but now I am having issues with it
The page checks to see whether people are logged into Vbulletin before granting them access to the database.
Previously I had ~
if ($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS['bbsessionhash']) {
$hash = $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS['bbsessionhash'];
$a1 = mysql_db_query($phpdb,"select username from vbuser u inner join vbsession s on (u.userid = s.userid) where s.sessionhash = '$hash'");
if (mysql_num_rows($a1) == 1) {
$username = strtolower(mysql_result($a1,0,"username"));
$charNameField = mysql_result(mysql_db_query($phpdb,"select replace(varname,'_title','') as field_name from vbphrase where text = 'Character Name' and fieldname = 'cprofilefield'"),0,"field_name");
Set up to check the cookie, from the errors I am receiving, I think this is whats causing the errors.
This whole system was wrote by someone else, who I dont have contact with anymore, so any help on the matter would be greatly appreciated, I'm thinking its something to do with the tables or cookies being changed from VB3 - VB4 but am not sure
4AM now and I have been trying to get it working since 10PM last night, please Halp!
Many Thanks