Originally Posted by Lionel
And I am wondering if that hype is not fake? For a forum to have such a hype and for both developers to keep on adding their 2 cents seconds after a fan kisser gets straighten out got me wondering if it's not them using multiple different users.
Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5
What bugs me the most is the mindset that the fewer options there are the better... Anything that someone may not use they say "Make it an add-on" rather than something that can be turned on and off via the control panel. With that thinking it's going to take dozens of mods (assuming they ever even get developed) to make it anywhere close to VB3's functionality out of the box. They need to realize for better or worse vB is the market leader- when someone goes to a forum the first time they expect it will work like vBulletin does.
Originally Posted by borbole
Yes, I noticed that as well at that Poll. The fun will start when they will buy xenforo. Then we will see for how long it will still be the greatest thing since the slice bread
Personally I was planning to buy a copy the first day, just to test it, out of curiousity more than anything else, but all that hype and fanboysim there turned me off completly.
Originally Posted by Loco.M
+1 :up:
Originally Posted by Lionel
One thing is for sure, the teams at both vb.com and vb.org are extremely professional. Where as over there, they might be great coders but they really need to read their Business 101 a lot.
Hear hear!
I read, I saw, you all conquered... no though, seriously I have noticed some awkward behavior and hate to hear that Lionel, you have always been a very positive and professional person from every post I have read so I choose to believe your word over theirs (if they even have a reply as to why it was done). I will be looking into xenForo when it's released i.e. purchase but from a business standpoint, nothing more... still sad to see all those who were ready to jump ship weeks ago and even today.. plus we are paying to Beta test? I thought there were enough negative people on here already accusing vBulletin of releasing vB4 and stating it's crap and still beta so how is that helping you if your one of those "types"????
I'm completely lost in regards to the "stand" or "point" many of you are taking and making when your not well informed!