BIG Thumbs UP! I like it!
I don't think it is possible to make this fluid width, however, it is scalable enough that I can do what I need.
I have a couple of cosmetic problems though, I'm hoping you can help me with:
The block I have this in needs to be only 175px wide. Because of this, and the fact that my domain name is rather long, my application/domain name is WRAPPING underneath my application IMAGE. Somehow I need to restyle this. Either I need to remove the domain/application name, or I need to remove the application image, or I need to place the domain/application name above the image, so the like button could be beside the image, or I need to remove both the domain/application name and image, leaving only the like button on the top portion.
Do you have any ideas about HOW I could make this look best? Here is my
Thanks for this handy little widget and for helping me!
