I am running this on a big board and its certainly a live saver. We have 1250 report threads so far. (5-10 a day) So a big thanks to the coder!
We frequently do encounter a bug/error though, as it does not correctly identify if any of the multiple accounts are banned accounts.
Most reports state:
Primary Banned Usergroup: 8 (Found)
While none of the accounts are banned (8)
It would really help, if this issue would be solved, because it would allow us to use the built in functions to automatize part of the process. Making the system ban automatic while this issue is unresolved, would result in banning hundreds of innocent members.
I'd like to request three enhancements:
- post new reports relating to the same user, to the existing thread.
- if a report relates to a user that is in the banned group, put 'BANNED USER RETURNING:' in the thread title. This makes it easy for staff to identify the urgent cases.
- when the alert is based upon IP, but not cookie, then its uncertain if it relates to the same user. This can be solved by checking if the IP is dynamic or static and comparing similarities in usernames, Date of birth, email domain, profile fields, Join Date & Last Post & Last Activity. Normally staff will do this by hand, which is quite a lot of work when you are getting reports in daily. All this can be done automatically, which would be a huge relieve on workload.
Also would like to remind to these suggestions, as they are buried in this thread:
Originally Posted by Alfa1
Some suggestions:
- After each account: - Add a link to PM the member. (optimal would be a predefined PM text to be sent)
- Add a link to search the database for all IP's that belong to the account.
- Add a link to add the account to the miserable users group
- Add a link to add the account to 'Tachy goes to Coventry'
- Add a link to ban the member.
- Add a function to ignore the accounts or IPs in the future.
- If an IP is reported, then add the whois.