Originally Posted by Simon Lloyd
Ted, just looking at the helpful_answers_topbit template it looks as though i could just do this
HTML Code:
<td class="alt1"><!-- phrase 1="$helpfulanswer[postid]" --><!-- $vbphrase[helpfulanswer_top] --><!-- /phrase --> <a href="./showthread.php?p=$helpfulanswer[postid]#post$helpfulanswer[postid]">$post[username]</a></td>
but, adding that doesn't show in the columns and messes the header ro of helpfulanswers.php and i cant see where to add a column other than there!
That's the individual row, there's another template, helpful_answers which controls the page the rows display in. You can only call fields that the page has access too, new items you want to add have to be added to the helpfulanswers.php page to become part of the query