Originally Posted by borbole
One thing that it is starting to annoy me at xenforo community is the growing fanboyism of some members there who get all worked up if someone so much as dares to express an opinion that doesn''t agree with their view of xenforo.
Like someone says I will pay 1000 bucks for a xenforo license and someone else says hey, to me it is not worth that much and then the xenfan boy gets all tough behind the pc with insults etc. Or like in the case of PaulM who is expressing his idea about something and someone says to him "Are you here just to provoke people? Because from your previous posts i can conclude that you aren't going to be buying a license."
Is anyone else getting irritated by those you know what kissers over there or is it just me 
I thought it was just me. They announced the upcoming release at a special price for just 24 hours. Since they do not have a way to subscribe to a forum on that xenForo script, I suggested an email notification. I was told that I must come to the site
every day
When I complained about that, since I am a busy person, the crowd of kissers, including the developers got nasty and told me to subscribe to Facebook, Twitter or to RSS. My God! It really felt strange having to go to other means just to get a notification. When I said so, and replied to that fan kisser, the developers got upset, closed that thread and deleted my posts. And believe me, there was nothing nasty in the posts.
That sort of attitude got me wondering. Do Kier and Mike have something to do with vB current problems? That sort of God like attitude, refusing to listen to legitimate complaint and taking the Take it or Leave it attitude (Twitter, Facebook or RSS) got me shaking my head.
Seems to me this is a prelude of things to come.