Originally Posted by Liquid1ce
no, as in if i add #vbulletin into title it will come up as a keyword, but i would like it so i wouldnt need to add it so it shows up in my title but only on twitter
Originally Posted by sose
New version is working great. I have not found yet in the code where to append the twitter post with a custom hash tag, but I will post here when I do..
Custom hash tags will be in the next version. There will be a custom field you will be able to enter as many #tags as you like when you create a new thread in a
vBulletin 2 Twitter enabled forum, and will only appear in the tweet and not in the thread title. This will
not be available for replies or quick replies, only new threads.
There will also be the following options:
- Enable vBulletin 2 Twitter in all forums
- Enable vBulletin 2 Twitter in selected forums
- Disable vBulletin 2 Twitter in selected forums
I will also be removing the
tli.tl url shortening service, as it now requires an api key to function, so it is not currently working in
v4.0.004. I have spoken to the guys over at
tli.tl and they will not budge on removing the api key requirement for reasons I totally understand.
But, that being said I will be adding the following url shortening services that do not require an api key:
So, you will now have a choice of five different url shortening services (or choose not shorten at all).
I will also note that I will
not be adding any functionality to tweet RSS feeds, tweet CMS articles or tweet Blogs, and that is unlikely to ever change.
As always this will be released to my paid subscribers at Wolfshead Solutions a month before releasing it here
unsupported, so you can expect a release here towards the end of October 2010.