Originally Posted by PreciseDemise
Is it possible to move the chat box from directly below the NavBar to beneath the notices? I tried using the {vb:raw vbshout} tag but to no discernible effect ...
Ideally I'd like it in-line with the sidebar just above the first forum group. I believe I have found where to add, just after the "<!-- main -->" comment in ForumHome template.
Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech
You'll need to do more than just the vbshout tag, please follow the instructions on the Edit page of the instance you want to position manually.
Are you refering to this ..?
Manually Display Shoutbox
This setting controls which templates show the Shoutbox.
You need to add the following text to the templates you input here:
{vb:raw vbshout}
Separate each template name with a comma.
Please help me find what I'm missing ...
Default settings ...
Auto Display: Above NavBar
Shoutbox Deployment: index
Manual Placement: (blank)
Works fine (no surprise)
Custom Settings ...
Auto Display: Disabled
Shoutbox Deployment: index
<!-- main -->
{vb:raw vbshout}
{vb:raw template_hook.forumhome_above_forums}
Naff all. Two things I'm trying to achieve ... (see attached)