Greetings everyone, I do not know if i am posting in the correct section but if it is not please could someone move it to the correct area.
Right i am creating a website,, forums are
I know the website sucks right now... But hey i've been real real busy. I'm looking for someone who can create atleast a 75% custom VB 4.0.7 style.
I am creating a last chaos theme based website for a radio that will be up within 5 months i hope, if my work goes ok here. I am offering to pay, But at the moment only requesting for quotes.
LastChaos is an MMORPG, Link To Information About Last Chaos
I'm looking for a dark sleek layout, Hopefully JsQuery interigated but not 100% needed (Just an extra boost I like to view before I purchase. If I take you on for the job a link will be provided where you can get character/monster PSD's and i would like them interigated into the design also please. Also please tell me if you will have your copyright on there, If so also a price on how much to remove it. I was hoping for CSS built in so freeze the background so if you scroll down it stays still. I need a nice navbar. Dungeon style, Fantasy also. But not to pathetic if you know what i mean... the login has to be unique (Once logged in i do not want the basic layout. Also i like the 50%/75% width.
Thankyou for reading. I look foward to replies.