I have a problem for some reason the varible $newpagelink is not being parsed through onto the postbit_attachment
i have this in my admin/functions.php
and in my template postbit_attachment i have the following code
<p><normalfont><img src="{imagesfolder}/attach/$post[attachmentextension].gif" width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="">Attachment: <a href="attachment.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&postid=$post[postid]$newpagelink" target="_blank">$post[filename]</a></normalfont><br>
<smallfont>This has been downloaded $post[counter] time(s).</smallfont></p>
so to work around this i have done this in my postbit_attachment
which works fine, but want i want to know is why the $newpagelink varible does not work.
Thanks for your help in advance!!!!