Originally Posted by Sarcoth
I'll see what I can do about the CSS. Can you list the changes you made in your "Nice, fitting CSS".  I'll test it out and see if I like it for the default. Otherwise, I can list your CSS changes in the FAQ.
In regards to the NavBar Tab label...you know, I had meant to do that in the last version so I'll eventually get around to doing that in the next version. I'll go add that to the Things to do so I don't forget. I probably won't do another version till December and most likely I'll forget requests.  .
Not a problem. The 1st CSS is what I got from IRISH, I just reused it on your v4.0.4. I can get you the xml he sent me if you like.
No rush on the Tab, I just relabel it in the php file

it's just a "Nice to have" feature.