Originally Posted by goxy63
Uninstalled, too bad cant rate it again...great mod...but what is use of that?
Now that's just silly. You would re-rate this modification because the author of it who has provided it free-of-charge to the vBulletin community does not wish to spend a HUGE amount of time upgrading it to the vB 4 series??? That's just stupid.
The rating should not be dependant on whether the mod author upgrades the modification to fit your needs. The rating should be an assessment of the current project. And because of that I would rate it "5" all day long!
I suppose it's a good thing that vB.org does not allow users to change their votes!
Look. Dude has stated that the modification is NOT supported. Dream has been kind enough to allow for
"Re-usable Code" -- So stop downing the product because it's not compatible with vB 4. Hire somebody to update the code for you. How about that for an idea!