Please remember to click Mark as Installed if you use this modification.
Facebook has just launched their latest "Like" button to developers to use on any site. What this does is utilizes the Advertising module to add the "Like" button to the first post of each thread. Please see screenshots to get an idea.
In your Admin CP go to Advertising > New Ad > Choose "Thread" from the dropdown and then select the first thread box. Give it a title (I called mine FB Like) leave "First Post Content" at default and paste in this code:
HTML Code:
<!-- Facebook Like -->
<iframe src="http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=http://www.YOURSITE.com/{vb:link thread, {vb:raw thread}, {vb:raw pageinfo_post}}#post{vb:raw post.postid}&layout=button_count&show_face s=true&width=450&action=like&colorsche me=light" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height x"></iframe>
<!-- / Facebook Like -->
Be sure to change YOURSITE.com to your URL including your forum.
The VBSEO team has instructions on how to make this work for their product here http://www.vbseo.com/f2/facebook-lik...95/#post265997
Hello... I can't get this to work on a Blog post.
Neither can I make it appear on a CMS Article.
In the threads, it all works fine.
Should the procedure over here be used?
Or only what's mentioned on the vBSEO site? (we're running vBseo)
Should I do both things? What's mentioned here, and then what's mentioned over in vBSEO.com?
I'm at a loss... not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Any help is much appreciated.