Sure, can help you with that.
I assume, that the actual Teamspeak Viewer and the Joinlink should be displayed at two different positions? Then what you need is the name of the second templatehook where you want the joinlink to be displayed. If you use the default vB4 template, this should be easy. I could tell you the hookname if you tell me where you want the link to be displayed.
The only change you've to do with the plugin is this:
In your AdminCP, go to plugin management, edit the "TSxViewer: Main" plugin.
There you can see some php code in the big textarea.
The best would be to simply copy the whole content into a texteditor where you can see and access the line numbers. This would be easier to work with.
- In line 40, change:
PHP Code:
$op .= '<span style="padding-left:20px" class="tssjoinlink">'
PHP Code:
$jlink = '<span style="padding-left:20px" class="tssjoinlink">'
- In line 88, change:
PHP Code:
$op .= '<span style="padding-left:20px" class="tssjoinlink">'
PHP Code:
$jlink = '<span style="padding-left:20px" class="tssjoinlink">'
- In line 104, add:
PHP Code:
$template_hook['yourhookname'] .= $jlink;
Where "yourhookname" should be replaced with the template hook you want the joinlink to be displayed.
This basically splits the join link from the teamspeak viewer output and lets you place it somewhere else.
I didn't test this myself, due to lack of a vbulletin installation at the moment :P
Tell me if you get any problems with this.