Originally Posted by Alfa1
I'm working with a dev on a complete automation.
Clicking all the links will cause errors 'inbox full' and other trivial reports to deactivate the related account, which will cause a mass of support requests.
IB will also add bounce management to vb4, though its likely to take some time as its complex matter.
Originally Posted by djbaxter
Not to mention the frequent "Mailbox not available" bounces from Hotmail, AOL, and Rogers.com, 90% of the time which means only that their mail servers are having issues and there's nothing wrong with the email address.
While waiting for those wonderful automated solutions by devs / vbulletin 4.1 I will be much happier doing it this way, by deleting obviously "temporary" bounces and spam emails from my bounce folder and then extracting the ezbounce lines like described in my first post. All the alternatives is more manual labor. And I really need to get this done.
Originally Posted by Alfa1
Forget logging into adminCP. Running a cron seems much better.
Seems like a better idea, and probably much simpler! Need to look into how the vbulletin cron function does its thing. Any hints on how to take the list of ezbounce.php urls and make the calls with cron? Dont mind doing some manual editing steps or adjusting the awk script so i just get a list of user ids.
Found this tutorial
Seems easy enough, probably just need to hack the ezbounce.php to do what i want to do and put it in the cron list.