Forums under Legal Attack
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There's a Lawyer with an LLC out there buying the rights to old news stories and then suing forums and bloggers who have parts of "his" articles copied on their sites... So a user wants to comment on a newspaper article they link to it and usually post a paragraph or two, if not the whole article (if it's short enough) and BAM now this guy will sue the site owner for $75,000 and demand their forfeit their domain to him... apparently it's a legal loophole he's able to use and gets away with this crap... None of the 100+ sites he's sued so far have been able to defend against this and haad to settle for thousands of dollars and/or close up.
This is a major issue for forum owners and quite frankly I think IB should be putting up the legal capital to combat this- he will hurt/ruin forums and by extension, their business.
I will post a request they get involved on .com, but this post here is a warning for other forum owners.