thank you kh99.
actually what i wrote above was just an example. the thing i would like to do is little bit different. but main idea is like above mentioned example.
let me be more clear with what i would like to do.
<if condition="$castinfo[photo] != ''">
<a href='info/person.php?id=$castinfo[id]'><img src="./cache/person/$castinfo[id].jpg" alt="$castinfo[name]" /></a>
<else />
<a href=''info/person.php?id=$castinfo[id]'><img src="./cache/person/noimage.jpg" alt="$castinfo[name]" /></a></if>
as you can see through example, its first checking if there is any image for the person or not. if image/photo is available, then its showing it. if not, then it displays the "
noimage.jpg" file.
but since i do not want to display "
noimage.jpg" on pages that much, i upload the pictures myself. and due to script do the logging, it's not working if i upload the picture to the "person" folder (thats where the files are stored).
so i've created a "
custom" folder under "person" folder. before displaying the "noimage.jpg" file if file do not exists, i would like to make it check the "
person/custom" folder too...