vBExperience 4.0.3 has been released! This version is mainly for fixing bugs, but introduced also a feature called "Secret Achievements".
Please read "readme_install_uninstall_upgrade.txt" for upgrade instructions.
- Added: Secret Achievements. It will not display the needed requirements for that achievement.
- Fixed: Place the bars freely in postbit. Please use {vb:raw achievements.postbit} and {vb:raw awards.postbit}
- Fixed: Doubled Awards
- Fixed: Issues with vB Tournaments and Ladders Manager and vBadvanced Links Directory
- Fixed: kill.php is now removing all vBExperience data
- Fixed: Compatibility issue with vBulletin 4.0.7: The varname you specified for this phrase is invalid. You may only include a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and _ (underscore)
- New Example for creating awards based on forum leaders. (ZIP\extras\CDP Custom Data Provider)
- New Language file provided for Spanish / Espa?ol, thanks to Breixo
- New Language file provided for Italian, thanks to Gn_Snake
- New plugin for Xbox Live Score (needs gXboxLive installed)
- New plugin for submitted Forms via EasyForms
- New plugin for AWCoding Donation System LITE (shipped within that product)
- New plugin for AWCoding Donation System PRO (shipped within that product)
- New plugin for AWCoding Subscription System PRO (shipped within that product)
- New plugin for AWCoding Credit Purchase System LITE (shipped within that product)
- New plugin for AWCoding Credit Purchase System PRO (shipped within that product)
- New plugin for AWCoding Pirate Poker PRO (shipped within that product)
- New plugin for AWCoding Pirate Poker Platinum (shipped within that product)
- New plugin for AWCoding Product System PRO (shipped within that product)
A bug/wishes tracker can be found here: