It is correct. But just because it works for you doesn't mean it will work for everyone else.
Your instructions say this:
Install open inviter to this path EXAMPLE.COM/OpenInviter/ <--- notice the caps !!, the folder in the download is already like this, just be sure to upload the folder to your domain root.
You don't mention removing postinstall.php which means that we somewhat have to rely on the OI installation instructions since the thing won't even function without removing that file. And if you simply download, unzip, and run (then delete) postinstall.php per the OI installation instructions you CAN still have problems.
In my particular case, the OpenInviter/conf folder was set to not allow read access to anyone but the directory owner. And since I didn't install it as user apache it couldn't read that folder. That was why it hung. As soon as I changed the directory perms everything worked just as you said they would.
Who knows . . . since each download is generated dynamically (your config file is already personalized to your OI account settings) perhaps they had some glitch in the file permissions or something. I'm just telling you what I experienced and what I did to correct it.
And as for Alucard^'s issue with the file-function-put-contents output, the problem is:
1. The text is white. There's actually warning messages on that page but since the text color is set to white you can't see it on a white background. Links obviously don't follow the same style which is why you see the links.
2. The warnings are from using the E_ALL settings in your php.ini configuration and setting output to display to the user.
display_errors = On
error_reporting = E_ALL
Setting display_errors to Off is recommended because the warnings and errors CAN contain information which hackers can use to exploit your system. What the On/Off toggles is whether or not it gets displayed to the user in the browser.
That can make debugging a bit of a pain but maybe you can set it On while developing and then turn it off when all the kinks have been worked out. <-- Remember you have to restart apache after making php.ini changes for them to take effect.
Also, E_ALL reports both serious errors as well as warnings about everything from poor coding practices to other fairly harmless warnings. It is probably better to set it to
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE
Which means, E_ALL but minus the notices of things that aren't that serious.