Originally Posted by Stefanus
The "Rate This Page" alignment is off:
The problem arise when "Store CSS Stylesheets as Files" is set to "Yes"
Originally Posted by thincom2000
It wouldn't make a difference what the setting is, it would pull from the same CSS templates.
Nope, there is a definite difference in the way it renders the page.
thincom2000, can you look into this issue again?
css linked saves bandwidth, download time for your users, and will remain chached for every page. having it inline will effectively slow your site down to your users by 25% or more.
1. Store CSS StyleSheets as Files
By default, vBulletin will store the CSS of your pages as HTML within the head of the document. This, when taken over thousands of pages, can be quite a heavy burden.
Storing CSS Stylesheets as files will allow users/spiders to cache the CSS as a file, and make each page smaller, HTML wise, giving your server a bit of a breather.
To begin, ensure your forums/clientscript/vbulletin_css directory is chmod 777 so the stylesheet files can be created.
Next, in the AdminCP, select the vBulletin Options menu then vBulletin Options.
Select Style and Language Options.
Set "Store CSS Stylesheets as Files?" to Yes.
Click Submit.