Originally Posted by ctweb
Most probably "@saved_cs_client" variable isn't defined.
Remove that SET character_set_client line from the SQL/query and try..
As for your earlier question, it's best to create a new db, and change the config details. If you overwrite your existing database, then you wont have a backup in case something goes wrong..
If you have the option to create a new DB, go for it.. On WAMP, do you have phpmyadmin installed? It's one of the best ways to administer your databases.. There are other windows based tools too.. phpmyadmin is web based though..
it was easier than that. I tried a few utilities, I used the same dumper to make a back up on my live DB as I did to restore my test DBon my laptop, THAT, worked, guessing the dumper was not recognizing or had trouble with the compression of the DB backups I had.
anyways, its working now, thanks for your help.