Ok, I am sure it may be of some use to others as well and I am not sure it can be done (although I am sure if it can be done firefly or one of the other talented hackers can do it).
Here Goes:
I need a hack to where that in a certain forum when a member goes to post something, it fills in some information automatically in the post instantly (see below).
Say I am running a forum like this one and I will take hack submissions for example. With this hack it would fill in the following right after they click the new post button (this would be filled in the test box):
Hack Name:
Hack Version:
Hack Author:
All the submitter would have to do is place the required information beside it such as:
Hack Name: (information goes here)
Hack Version: (version goes here)
and so on.
Is there anyway that this can be done? Or am I confusing someone in anyway? Should I *try* to provide a better example?
Any help with this would be appreciated and I would be greatful to the person that could help me out with this (whoever it may be).
Please at least look into it.