Originally Posted by nanouniko
I dont understand this mod, i think this is the same that the awdonation
It is quite simple if you have a credit system:
xbt torrent (upload credits)
Conquest mod (gold)
so on and so forth any points system on your site.
This software allows your users to purchase more of the points. Most the points systems out there have an internal shop to spend the points. Also pirate poker you can exchange any points system to doubloons. So this has TONS of uses for anyone with a points system. If you don't have a points system then this mod is not for you. But if you have vbexperience for example you can purchase extra experience to be used in the shop or to exchange for doubloons in poker. Also another quick example if you have a torrent site and use upload ratio to allow deny people to download torrents this mod can help the slow connection people by boosting their ratio by purchasing upload credits. Another quick great example I have to use is gold in conquest mod people want the edge over another opponent they can purchase extra gold to use in game.