I am currently running VB4.0.2 although I will be upgrading to the latest shortly. I have custom fields for first and last name (field5 and field6) and have been working on plug-ins to display a user's real name instead of their username in various places throughout my forum.
My plug-ins are typically very simple. For example, I have this attached to the forumdisplay_query hook:
PHP Code:
$hook_query_fields .= ' , TRIM(CONCAT(uf.field5," ",uf.field6)) AS postrealname, TRIM(CONCAT(lpuf.field5," ",lpuf.field6)) AS lastpostrealname ';
$hook_query_joins = "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "userfield AS uf ON (uf.userid = thread.postuserid) LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "userfield AS lpuf ON (lpuf.userid = thread.lastposterid)";
Then, in my threadbit template, I use an IF statement to check for realname, otherwise I display the username. I have a series of IF-ELSE statements in my memberaction_dropdown template to check for the various forms of realname as well.
My problem is that I want to do this for the search results but I don't really see how it's going to be possible. The search hooks appear to have changed from VB3.8 to VB4. In VB3.8, I used the above approach and attached to the search_results_query_threads hook. That hook is gone now - at least it is in 4.0.2. Can anyone offer any guidance here? I'm also not opposed to editing source code and adding my own hooks if you can point me in the right direction.