it is actually very simple, not actually a hack, but a template modification...
1. Login to Admin Panel
2. Select "Modify" in the Template Section
3. Expand List
4. Expand "Forum Home Page Templates"
5. Edit/Change Original (depending on previous edit or not) template "forumhome_moderator"
6. Change "forumhome_moderator" (from the default) to
Moderated By: <a href="member.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=getinfo&userid=$moderator[userid]">$moderator[username]</a>
Save Changes
7. Repeat step 5 on "forumhome_forumbit_level2_post"
8. In "forumhome_forumbit_level2_post" find "$forum[description]" after that add
(before the closing smallfont tag) save, alright your done.
P.S. looks a bit different from's layout, to remove the bold print take out the bold tags in the second code segment, and to change the layout of the list (such as to add the [] for example) edit the "forumhome_moderator" template as you wish.