I have a problem with the counters in the achievement conditions.
for instance I have 7,153 posts, and I setup and achievement for 5000 > post... but in the: xperience.php?go=achievements page it show:
Posts > 5,000 (You have 14,174)
which is not true since I have almost half of that... and it show correctly in postbit (and any other part of the forum except the achievement page).
same happen with everything else: show almost double referral, double threads, friends, etc...
Days since registering > 1,095 (You have 3,540) my forum is 3 years old... it show almost 6 years in achievement page... and basically so on...
do I miss something here? is anybody else with the same problem?
I have vb 4.0.6PL1 (forum only), and the latest vbexperience 4....
everything else seems to work fine except that part....