Originally Posted by jlevi
OK, thanks, it's working now. Another question - is it possible to have images in a custom column, e.g. rank images?
Do a search on rank in this mod.
Originally Posted by Foxtrotelite
Could you show me the code for aligning columns? I just upgraded to the newest showroster version and the code looks a little different. Here is what I used to have:
<vb:if condition="$show[field1st]"><td nowrap="nowrap" align="center" width="13%">{vb:var userinfo.{vb:var columns[column1]}}</td></vb:if>
Here is what i have now:
<vb:if condition="$show[field1st] AND exec_switch_bg()"><td>{vb:var userinfo.{vb:var columns[column1]}}</td></vb:if>
I think you would only have to change the <td> to <td nowrap="nowrap" align="center" width="13%">. Most of this is controlled from the css template now though. Let me know if that does not work and I'll look into it further.
Originally Posted by owning_y0u
how can i make that the roster is only showing the member 1 time?
little example
user X is in Group B and in Group C
but i dont want to see user X in group C on the roster cause it counts this users as a new user.
The only way is by controlling whether you can see members in their usergroup or secondary groups. I will tell you how to do this, but if you want to allow some members to be shown in their usergroup and some in their member groups, then your request is not possible with the current code. Does that make sense?
If user1 has a primary group A, and secondary group B, I can tell you how set up the features so you only see them in group A or group B. But, once you choose to go with the primary or secondary groups, then it is like that for ALL users.
So, let's say you choose the secondary group option. Now user1 shows on the roster in group B. You have user2 in the primary group B, and in the secondary group A. He will only show in group A b/c it is his secondary group.
Let me know your plan and I'll tell you how to do it.