Well i should be more specific, the bots are setup as users - what i mean is you know how you set a username from which XML feeds are posted as on vb sites. Well i have different usernames for the 3 feeds, so when a new thread is posted it is the same as posting as a normal user such as myself. I have made a test account as a normal registered user however this also does not appear to be working when i create a thread.
Could this be because I have made a custom user group aside from the "regular users" default group.
Any users in the regular users group are subject to Spam-O-Matic filtering, users who are trusted are placed in a custom user group with less restrictive spam filtering.... I completely understand not having RSS bots being able to post direct to twitter, as i don't want automatic rss feeds pouring into my forum either, hence the reason i filter the feeds and only validate interesting posts that are of interest to my users.