Originally Posted by ZGeek
This is a great mod, but I am having big problems with the username mark up.
I am using ucash. Running 4.0.6 with the gold release of this mod.
When people PM each other, and one has username markup. When they reply the username is displayed as this
<span style='color: #0000FF'><span class='glow_FF0000'>Username</span></span>
Can you help?
A similar problem has been reported with user titles. I've selected them as bugs for now and will try to patch a release on 3.0.1.
Originally Posted by q3chap
Somebody knows something?
And .. should I place the paid subscribtion as secondary or primary usergroup? ar there differences?
I'd do it as a primary and no there currently is no expiration feature although it might be the next major feature added to the market.
Originally Posted by mikeylikesitz
i also have an issue with user that have a 0 balance in thier point system unable to access the market.
can you give me an answer on the interest issue?
It's not a bug it's just how I scripted to check and see if the point column was holding data. HOWEVER, I will attempt to fix the way I check if users have points in the next release.
Originally Posted by stwan
This hack not xhtml 1.0 valid!
I know

I'll fix that at some point.