When I tried removing it I got this error:
adding child to non-existent node!
This code seemed to make everything work fine:
<vb:if condition="$show[field4th] AND exec_switch_bg()"><td nowrap="nowrap" align="center" width="13%"><vb:if condition="$userinfo[field30] == ''">{vb:var userinfo.field27}<vb:else /><a href="http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/{vb:var userinfo.field30}">{vb:var userinfo.field27}</a></vb:if></td></vb:if>
<vb:if condition="$show[field9th]">{vb:var userinfo.{vb:var
I moved around the align code and stuff.. but i still had to leave the 2nd if condition there.
Thanks again for all the help and the quick replies!
edit: actually i still had to use an unused field in the 2nd if statement to prevent any extra junk from appearing the roster. Can that code be cleaned up? I guess I am doing something wrong