Originally Posted by Foxtrotelite
Thanks for the help Sarcoth! The code worked. I got the links part working, but I am having one minor issue. I must be overlooking something. When I use the code, it offesets my columns.
My steam id is in column 4 via the showroster settings. Here is a piece of what i have in the userbits template.
<vb:if condition="$show[field4th] AND exec_switch_bg()"><td><vb:if condition="$userinfo[field30] == ''">{vb:var userinfo.field27}<vb:else /><a href="http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/{vb:var userinfo.field30}">{vb:var userinfo.field27}</a></vb:if></td></vb:if>
<vb:if condition="$show[field4th]"><td nowrap="nowrap" align="center" width="13%">{vb:var userinfo.{vb:var
You want to remove the 2nd $show[field4th] line completely. You can only have one. If you are using it for something else, then you need to remove one of the other columns instead. The code I gave is a replacement for one column.