This is my code:
<!-- Wy Sponsor Icon in postbit Start -->
<vb:if condition="is_member_of($post, 11)"><img src="" width="185" height="57" alt="{vb:raw post.username} has accepted the sponsorship to the forum!" border="0"></vb:if><br/><br/>
<!-- Wy Sponsor Icon in postbit End -->
<!-- Wy Supporting Icon in postbit Start -->
<vb:if condition="is_member_of($post, 9)"><img src="" width="185" height="57" alt="{vb:raw post.username} has donated to support the forum!" border="0"></vb:if><br/><br/>
<!-- Wy Supporting Icon in postbit End -->
I want code for 4 different groups so each group can have their own icon. So I think I'm on the right track because so far it's working.
However the 2nd group of coding for group 9. There are 4 members in that group. The picture only shows up for 2 of the 4 members. I took the other 2 members out of that group and readded them but no matter what they still don't get that picture.