Originally Posted by pportuese
I have a question, users that have vehicles it shows on the left side of the page but it's not lined up to the far left. For example look at this picture
Originally Posted by Dylanblitz
It is lined up with the other data there, although, I'm not sure why the title on the left is not showing? It should say Vehicle on the far left.
If you want to remove the make you can edit the template postbit_garagelink and remove any instance of {vb:raw entry[make]}
Can we change it to just say like the model/year/trim and not the make? And move it over?
I did this but it just deleted the make and it's still off to the right side.
This is the code I have now.
<vb:if condition="$vboptions[postbittype] == 1">
<dt>{vb:raw postbit_veh_title}</dt> <dd><a href="garage_vehicle.php?do=view_vehicle&id={vb:ra w entry[vehicle_id]}">'{vb:raw newyr} {vb:raw entry[model]} {vb:raw entry[trim]}</a></dd>
<vb:if condition="$vboptions[postbittype] == 2">
<dd><img src="images/garage/car.png"><a href="garage.php?do=user_garage_view&id={vb:raw entry[PostUser]}"> {vb:raw post.username}'s Garage</a></dd>
<vb:if condition="$vboptions[postbittype] == 3">
<vb:if condition="$i == 0">
<dt>{vb:raw postbit_veh_title}</dt>
<dd><a href="garage_vehicle.php?do=view_vehicle&id={vb:ra w entry[vehicle_id]}">'{vb:raw newyr} {vb:raw entry[model]} {vb:raw entry[trim]}</a></dd>
<br />