Ok I can now confirm that the recent change I made has now worked and the plugin is now working, doing everything it should be

The code change I made was to the template part again and is as follows:
PHP Code:
$templater = vB_Template::create('subscription_payment_gcheckout');
$templater->register('hash', $hash);
$templater->register('cost', $cost);
$templater->register('currency', $currency);
$templater->register('item', $item);
$templater->register('no_shipping', $no_shipping);
$templater->register('settings', $settings);
$templater->register('subinfo', $subinfo);
$templater->register('timeinfo', $timeinfo);
$templater->register('userinfo', $userinfo);
$form['hiddenfields'] .= $templater->render();
return $form;
Thanks again for the help and replies.