I am going to have to work on a fix for this. it is just that I have no idea when I will find the time.
I am getting some database errors but they are related to this permission problem. I believe that is really the only issue and it is what I will try to focus on. I will let you know when I have something. I would never release anything here though because I cannot deal with 8,000 people just telling me what the mod doesn't do that they want it to do.. lol
Hopefully someone else will pop up with a fix before I have to do this.
yeah, I upgraded the site mainly for the suite package.. This is the only mod having issues though and who knows, some of these issues could have been going on before. I really don't know what has changed from versions 4.1 to 4.06 that would cause this? I guess that would be a great place to start.
Have a good one,