Can someone please help me get rid of the gap after the chatbox.
I changed the position of the chatbox by editing the Display management plugin like:
PHP Code:
$mgc_cb_evo_type_position = "forumhome_below";
$mgc_cb_evo_insert_type = 'replace';
$mgc_cb_evo_insert_template = 'FORUMHOME';
$mgc_cb_evo_replace = ' $mgc_cb_evo ';
$mgc_cb_evo_find = '$forumhome_markread_script';
$mgc_cb_evo_brb = '<br />';
$mgc_cb_evo_bra = ' ';
PHP Code:
$mgc_cb_evo_type_position = "forumdisplay_below";
$mgc_cb_evo_insert_type = 'replace';
$mgc_cb_evo_insert_template = 'FORUMDISPLAY';
$mgc_cb_evo_replace = ' $mgc_cb_evo ';
$mgc_cb_evo_find = 'custom phrase';
Now there is a gap between the next object.
Before the upgrade, I had the chatbox in that position without any gaps. Is there another place that in the new 3 version, there is a BR in some other related chatbox plugin?
BTW, The chatbox is just showing "Loading..." until the I click the reload button inside the chatbox. When clicking reload in browser does not help